Monday, October 11, 2010

Baltimore Running Festival 2010

As the office tries to regain balance after the excitement of Half Full, the final Team Fight event of the season is also sneaking up on us. There will be a whopping 53 Team Fight members participating in The Baltimore Running Festival21 of them competing in the half marathon.

Something unique about the Baltimore Running Festival, as an Ulman Cancer Fund event, will be the presence of the Cancer to 5K ProgramBaltimore Running Festival is the culmination of the 12-week training program.  There will be 14 Cancer to 5K champions completing their end goal of the program: a 5K. Because of a partnership with Mady & Mules the UCF was able to bring the Cancer to 5K program to Howard County for the first time.

There is a sense of deep, deep pride affiliated with the Cancer to 5K Program unlike any other. Being witness to the physical success of these individuals can be very emotional. Cancer to 5K is about completing a race, but most important it is about regaining strength and power. The camaraderie of the group is like the bond of a new family.
In the lingering energy and spirit of Half Full, I encourage all participants and spectators to take photos, videos and capture comments of your experience on race day! What makes you Half Full? Share your story with us at:

I’m wishing all the Cancer to 5K crew a wonderful race. I can’t wait to cheer you on…

Sarah Wainio
Program Coordinator, Mission Engagement

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